#include "iostream.h"
#include "string.h" #include "fstream.h"#define NULL 0 class TransTile{ public: char current; char next; char input; TransTile(char C,char I,char Ne){ current = C; next = Ne; input = I; }};
class DFA
{ public: string States; char startStates; string finalStates; string Alphabets; vector <TransTile> Tile; DFA(){ init(); } void init() { cout << "输入有限状态集S:" << endl; cin >> States; cout << "输入字符集A:" << endl; cin >> Alphabets; cout << "输入状态转换式(格式为:状态-输入字符-下一状态,输入#结束):" << endl; cout << "例如:1a1 \n 1a0 \n 2a1 \n #" << endl; int h = 0;//while (cin>>input){
// TransTile transval(input[0], input[1], input[2]); // Tile.push_back(transval); //} while(true){ char input[4]; cin>>input; if(strcmp(input,"#")==0) break; TransTile transval(input[0],input[1],input[2]); Tile.push_back(transval); } cout << "输入初态:" << endl; cin >> startStates; cout << "输入终态:" << endl; cin >> finalStates; } char move(char P,char I){ for (int i = 0; i < Tile.size(); i++){ if (Tile[i].current == P&&Tile[i].input == I){ return Tile[i].next; } } return 'E'; } void recognition(){ string str; cout << "please input string:" << endl; cin >> str; int i = 0; char current = startStates; while (i < str.length()){ current = move(current, str[i]); if (current == 'E'){ break; } i++; } if (finalStates.find(current) != finalStates.npos){ cout << "ERROR!" << endl;}
else { cout << "ERROR!" << endl; } }};
int main(){
DFA dfa; bool tag;while(1){
cout<<"continue to '1',else to '0':"<<endl; cin>>tag; if(tag){ dfa.recognition(); }else break;}
return 0;}